The Bench

It didn’t look like much, but for the clients of this urban grocery store it was not only a resting place, but a place to share thoughts and ideas with neighbors….a kind of community stoop. Old, young, military personnel, professionals and blue-collar workers often stopped for a few minutes to rest their feet, or to wait for a prescription and share small-talk, congratulations or lend an ear to someone in need.

One day,  in an effort to maintain a uniform look at all stores, a member of the store’s corporate office decided to retire the bench.  He remarked that a bench had no use in a grocery store and besides, none of the other stores had them. Fortunately, a pharmacist at this store had seen the benefits of the bench for many years. She knew the community would miss this gathering spot and persuaded the district manager to replace it.  The district manager obliged and actually upgraded the piece.

How many of us would have just shrugged our shoulders and thought, Oh well….It was good while it lasted?  How often do we turn away and do nothing when we actually have the chance to make a difference in someone’s life?   The pharmacist gained nothing by having the bench returned, but her selfless action will help many in the community for years to come.   

The next time the opportunity to spread joy presents itself, I hope you’ll rise to the occasion and make a difference.   

Joan Bailey Swinehart

Life Coach –